
The 2019 International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Environment and Natural Resources:
​ Data, Methods and Applications held successfully

发布日期:2019-06-13   |  浏览次数:

The 2019 International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Environment and Natural Resources: Data, Methods and Applications jointly sponsored by Beijing Normal University and University of Maryland was held successfully in Beijing China, June 10-11, 2019. 110 Scientists and students from 15 different institutions from China and abroad participate in the workshop.


Prof. Yanchen Bo from Faculty of Geographical Science hosted the opening ceremony. MS Lengxin Liu, Associate Director of the Office of International Exchange & Cooperation, BNU, Prof. Jianjun Wu, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Geographical Science, BNU, Prof. Chris Justice, Chair of the Department of Geography, UMD, Prof. Mengxue Li, Principal Dean of College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS), University of Maryland addressed the opening ceremony. They all expressed that There is great collaboration history between faculty of geographical science, BNU and department of geographical science, university of Maryland. The workshop will continue to provide a bridge for in-depth exchanges and extensive cooperation.

大会开幕式由百家乐娱乐城 遥感科学与工程研究院副院长柏延臣教授主持。 北京师范大学国际处副处长刘冷馨女士,百家乐娱乐城 副部长武建军教授,马里兰大学行为与社会科学院外事主管院长Mengxue Li博士,地理系系主任Chris Justice教授分别致开幕辞。刘冷馨副处长代表学校对本次国际学术研讨会的召开表示了祝贺并指出,北京师范大学与马里兰大学具有良好的合作基础, 2019年双方以共同主办国际学术论坛的形式展示双方最新的研究进展,挖掘新的合作领域和方向,希望两校借助学术研讨的良好形式,继续推动搭建两校的科研合作以及学生联合培养的优势平台。武建军副部长在发言中表示,资源与环境遥感是人类了解和监测地球的重要手段,百家乐娱乐城-网上百家乐平台 作为全国在该领域最主要的研究机构之一,在国内外开展了广泛的合作交流,承担了大量的科研项目,为中国和世界的资源环境监测与管理贡献了力量。百家乐娱乐城-网上百家乐平台 与马里兰大学地理系的合作积淀深厚,希望通过本次论坛的顺利召开,搭建起更多领域合作与交流的桥梁。

随后马里兰大学行为与社会科学院外事主管院长Mengxue Li、地理系系主任Chris Justice分别代表马里兰大学致辞,他们表示,马里兰大学欢迎一切以学术为目的的交流和合作,希望双方更多的师生在交流中获益,并祝愿两校合作更加深入、密切。

Opening Ceremony开幕式

The workshop invited Prof. Jiangcheng Shi, from Faculty of Geographical Science and Prof. Chris Justice to give keynote speeches after the opening ceremony. And five sessions followed, they are: “Global Agriculture Monitoring”, “Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Water Cycle”, “Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation and Terrestrial Ecology”, “Remote Sensing for Natural Disaster Reduction”, “Geographical information analysis and spatial statistics”.

本次研讨会邀请了百家乐娱乐城-网上百家乐平台 遥感科学与工程研究院院院长施建成研究员、马里兰大学Chris Justice教授分别作题为“Modeling Snow Properties from Optical to Microwave”和“Global Agriculture Monitoring”的特邀报告。

本次研讨会共设立了“Global Agriculture Monitoring”, “Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Water Cycle”, “ Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation and Terrestrial Ecology”, “ Remote Sensing for Natural Disaster Reduction”, “Geographical information analysis and spatial statistics”五个专题,报告人从不同方面分别介绍了各自最新的研究进展,并与参会人员进行了充分和深入的探讨,现场学术气氛活跃。


Keynote Speech 特邀报告

Q&A 提问交流

The workshop provides a good opportunity for scientists to share the newest progress in Remote Sensing of Environment and Natural Resources. It also provides an open platform for international exchange between scholars in and out of the university, and plays a positive role in promoting further exchanges and cooperation between Beijing normal university and the university of Maryland.


Group Picture合影