

序号 作者 论文题目 期刊名称
1 柏延臣 Impact of the Dates of Input Image Pairs on Spatio-Temporal Fusion for Time Series with Different Temporal Variation Patterns Remote Sensing
2 柏延臣 Near real-time mapping of burned area by synergizing multiple satellites remotesensing data GIScience & Remote Sensing
3 曹红斌 Refining health risk assessment for determining arsenic and cadmium safety limits in an herbal medicine and its cultivation soils Journal of Cleaner Production
4 曹红斌 Urban and suburban variations in emission sources and quality-adjusted life year loss of PM2.5-bound PAHs in Beijing, China Journal of Cleaner Production
5 曹  鑫 A consistent and corrected nighttime light dataset (CCNL 1992-2013) from DMSP-OLS data Scientific Data
6 曹  鑫 Mapping Shrub Coverage in Xilin Gol Grassland with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery Remote Sensing
7 曹  鑫 Correcting the Saturation Effect in DMSP/OLS Stable Nighttime Light Products Based on Radiance-Calibrated Data IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
8 柴琳娜 Applying a Wavelet Transform Technique to Optimize General Fitting Models for SM Analysis: A Case Study in Downscaling over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Remote Sensing
9 柴琳娜 The reliability of categorical triple collocation for evaluating soil freeze/thaw datasets Remote Sensing of Environment
10 陈  晋 The FIRST model: Spatiotemporal fusion incorrporting spectral autocorrelation Remote Sensing of Environment
11 陈  晋 Stacked spectral feature space patch: An advanced spectral representation for precise crop classification based on convolutional neural network The Crop Journal
12 陈学泓 Understanding the Role of Receptive Field of Convolutional Neural Network for Cloud Detection in Landsat 8 OLI Imagery IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
13 陈学泓 A deep learning method for individual arable field (IAF) extraction with cross-domain adversarial capability Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
14 陈云浩 Uncertainty of city-based urban heat island intensity across 1112 global cities: Background reference and cloud coverage Remote Sensing of Environment
15 陈云浩 A simulation study on the effects of tree height variations on the facade temperature of enclosed courtyard in North China Building and Environment
16 陈云浩 Urban Thermal Anisotropy: A Comparison Among Observational and Modeling Approaches at Different Time Scales IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
17 陈云浩 Identification and spatiotemporal distribution analysis of global biomass burning based on Suomi-NPP VIIRS Nightfire data Journal of Cleaner Production
18 陈云浩 Changes in day–night dominance of combined day and night heatwave events in China during 1979–2018 Environmental Research Letters
19 程昌秀 A global dataset of annual urban extents (1992-2020) from harmonized nighttime lights Earth System Science Data 
20 程昌秀 Exploring of the spatially varying completeness of a tsunami catalogue Natural Hazards
21 程昌秀 Risk Assessment of Tsunamis Along the Chinese Coast Due to Earthquakes International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
22 程昌秀 A Health Impact and Economic Loss Assessment of O-3 and PM2.5 Exposure in Chino From 2015 to 2020 GeoHealth
23 程昌秀 Multitask Deep Learning Framework for Spatiotemporal Fusion of NDVI IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
24 程昌秀 Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneity of PM2.5 Related to Meteorological and Socioeconomic Factors across China during 2000-2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
25 程昌秀 Short-term health impacts related to ozone in China before and after implementation of policy measures: A systematic review and meta-analysis Science of the Total Environment
26 程昌秀 Temporal and spatial evolution of short-term exposure to ozone pollution: Its health impacts in China based on a meta-analysis Journal of Cleaner Production 
27 程  宏 A general model for predicting aeolian transport rate over sand surfaces with vegetation cover Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
28 程  宏 Spatial and temporal evolutions of vegetation coverage in the Tarim River Basin and their responses to phenology  Catena
29 程  洁 Validation of a Cloud-Base Temperature-Based Single-Layer Cloud Model for Estimating Surface Longwave Downward Radiation IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
30 程  洁 Simultaneous retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity from the FengYun-4A advanced geosynchronous radiation imager International Journal of Digital Earth
31 程  洁 A direct algorithm for estimating clear-sky surface longwave net radiation (SLNR) from MODIS imagery International Journal of Remote Sensing
32 程  洁 A Data Fusion Method for Generating Hourly Seamless Land Surface Temperature from Himawari-8 AHI Data Remote Sensing
33 程  杨 Research on Maternal Service Area and Referral System in Hubei Province, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
34 丑洁明 Impacts of Extreme Climate Events on Future Rice Yields in Global Major Rice-Producing Regions International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
35 丑洁明 Future Drought and Flood Vulnerability and Risk Prediction of China's Agroecosystem under Climate Change Sustainability 
36 崔喜红 Enhanced Automatic Root Recognition and Localization in GPR Images Through a YOLOv4-Based Deep Learning Approach IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
37 崔喜红 An Automatic Processing Framework for In Situ Determination of Ecohydrological Root Water Content by Ground-Penetrating Radar IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
38 戴特奇 Impact of the presence of private hospitals on the spatial equality of healthcare accessibility in Beijing, China Geospatial Health
39 戴特奇 Node Centrality Comparison between Bus Line and Passenger Flow Networks in Beijing Sustainability 
40 狄振华 Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the Chinese Mainland  Remote Sensing
41 丁婧祎 Roadside verges support greater ecosystem functions than adjacent agricultural land in a grassy woodland Journal of Environmental Management
42 丁婧祎 Drivers of soil biodiversity vary with organism type along an extensive aridity gradient Applied Soil Ecology
43 丁婧祎 Microbial communities are associated with indicators of soil surface condition across a continental gradient Geoderma
44 丁瑞强 Modulation of the Predictability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
45 丁瑞强 Multi-year El Nino events tied to the North Pacific Oscillation Nature Communications
46 董满宇 Spatial and temporal variation in reference evapotranspiration and its climatic drivers in Northeast China Water
47 董卫华 Wayfinding Behavior and Spatial Knowledge Acquisition: Are They the Same in Virtual Reality and in Real-World Environments? Annals of the American Association of Geographers
48 董卫华 How do voice-assisted digital maps influence human wayfinding in pedestrian navigation? Cartography and Geographic Information Science
49 董卫华 Does Culture Shape Our Spatial Ability? An Investigation Based on Eye Tracking ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
50 董孝斌 A life cycle assessment of an enterprise's low-carbon emissions model: The Xinjiang Shihezi pig farm faecal treatment biogas project as a case study Journal of Environmental Management
51 董孝斌 Profoundly entwined ecosystem services, land-use change and human well-being into sustainability management in Yushu, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Journal of Geographical Sciences
52 董孝斌 Assessing and mapping human well-being for sustainable development amid drought and flood hazards: Dadu River Basin of China Environmental Science and Pollution Research
53 董孝斌 Study on the Relationship between Low-Carbon Circular Farming and Animal Husbandry Models and Human Well-Being: A Case Study of Yongchang County, Gansu Province Sustainability 
54 董孝斌 Evaluating the future terrestrial ecosystem contributions to carbon neutrality in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Journal of Cleaner Production
55 董孝斌 Integrating Land Use, Ecosystem Service, and Human Well-Being: A Systematic Review Sustainability 
56 董孝斌 The Trade-Offs/Synergies and Their Spatial-Temporal Characteristics between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being Linked to Land-Use Change in the Capital Region of China Land
57 杜恩在 Anthropogenic and climatic shaping of soil nitrogen properties across urban-rural-natural forests in the Beijing metropolitan region Geoderma
58 杜恩在 Distinct Climate Effects on Dahurian Larch Growth at an Asian Temperate-Boreal Forest Ecotone and Nearby Boreal Sites Forests
59 杜恩在 Urban soil phosphorus hotspot and its imprint on tree leaf phosphorus concentrations in the Beijing region Plant and Soil
60 杜树山 Sesquiterpenoid-rich Essential Oils from Two Magnolia Plants: Contact and Repellent Activity to Three Stored-product Insects Journal of Oleo Science
61 杜树山 Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Properties of Essential Oil Obtained from Artemesia songarica Schrenk Journal of Food Protection
62 杜树山 Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Elsholtzia kachinensis Prain, a Traditional Vegetable and Herbal Medicine Journal of Oleo Science
63 杜树山 Chemical Diversity and Anti-Insect Activity Evaluation of Essential Oils Extracted from Five Artemisia Species Plants-Basel
64 杜树山 Analysis of international competitiveness of the China’s licorice industry from the perspective of global trade  Journal of Ethnopharmacology
65 方伟华 Impact of Tropical Cyclone Avoidance on Fishing Vessel Activity over Coastal China Based on Automatic Identification System Data during 2013-2018 International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
66 方修琦 Reconstruction of historical forest cover on a 1 degrees grid in central and southeast Europe from AD 1800 to 2000 Holocene
67 方修琦 A spatially explicit reconstruction of cropland cover in China around 1850 C.E. employing new land suitability based gridded allocation algorithm Quaternary International
68 房德琳 Modified linkage analysis for water-land nexus driven by interregional trade Journal of Cleaner Production
69 符素华 Sediment transport capacity as affected by different combinations of vegetation litter and stem cover Catena
70 傅伯杰 Bundling regions for promoting Sustainable Development Goals Environmental Research Letters
71 傅伯杰 Decoupling of SDGs followed by re-coupling as sustainable development progresses Nature Sustainability 
72 傅伯杰 Rural attraction: The spatial pattern and driving factors of China’s rural in-migration Journal of Rural Studies
73 傅伯杰 Current and future carbon stocks of natural forests in China Forest Ecology and Management
74 高培超 A joint landscape metric and error image approach to unsupervised band selection for hyperspectral image classification IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
75 高培超 Geographic Complexity: Concepts, Theories, and Practices ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
76 宫阿都 A Zoning Earthquake Casualty Prediction Model Based on Machine Learning Remote Sensing
77 宫阿都 High-Precision Population Spatialization in Metropolises Based on Ensemble Learning: A Case Study of Beijing, China Remote Sensing
78 龚道溢 Significant Association Between Winter North Atlantic SST and Spring NDVI Anomaly Over Eurasia Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
79 龚道溢 Winter North Atlantic SST as a precursor of spring Eurasian wildfire Geophysical Research Letters
80 龚吉蕊 Grazing directly or indirectly affect shoot and root litter decomposition in different decomposition stage by changing soil properties Catena
81 龚吉蕊 Multiple herbivory pressures lead to different carbon assimilation and allocation strategies: Evidence froma perennial grass in a typical steppe in northern China Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment
82 龚吉蕊 Plant phosphorus demand stimulates rhizosphere phosphorus transition by root exudates and mycorrhizal fungi under different grazing intensities Geoderma
83 龚吉蕊 Plant-microbial linkages regulate soil organic carbon dynamics under phosphorus application in a typical temperate grassland in northern China Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment
84 龚吉蕊 N addition rebalances the carbon and nitrogen metabolisms of Leymus chinensis through leaf N investment Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
85 龚吉蕊 Accounting for land use in an analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of ecosystem services supply and demand in a desert steppe of Inner Mongolia, China Ecological Indicators
86 龚吉蕊 The response of litter decomposition to phosphorus addition in typical temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia Journal of Arid Environments
87 郭  彦 Added value of CMIP6 models over CMIP5 models in simulating the climatological precipitation extremes in China International Journal Of Climatology
88 郭  彦 Impact of Model Resolution on the Simulation of Precipitation Extremes over China Sustainability 
89 郭  彦 Dynamic Downscaling Simulation and Projection of Precipitation Extremes Over China Under a Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Scenario Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
90 哈斯额尔敦 Morphological dynamics of a trough-shaped blowout on a fixed dune in China Aeolian Research
91 哈斯额尔敦 Dynamics of blowouts indicating the process of grassland desertification Land Degradation & Development
92 何春阳 Characteristics and progress of land use/cover change research during 1990-2018 Journal of Geographical Sciences
93 何春阳 Characteristics and progress of land use/cover change research during 1990–2018 Journal of Geographical Sciences
94 何春阳 Impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands Nature Sustainability 
95 何春阳 Evaluating the supply and demand of cultural ecosystem services in the Tibetan Plateau of China Landscape Ecology
96 何春阳 Mapping basin-scale supply-demand dynamics of flood regulation service-A case study in the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, China Ecological Indicators
97 何春阳 Evaluating the influences of urban expansion on multiple ecosystem services in drylands Landscape Ecology
98 胡  霞 Identification of water flow through non-root soil macropores and along roots in shrub-encroached grassland European Journal of soil science
99 胡  霞 Positive feedback relationship between shrub encroachment and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Inner Mongolia grassland of northern China Applied Soil Ecology
100 胡  霞 How Do Freeze–Thaw Cycles Affect the Soil Pore Structure in Alpine Meadows Considering Soil Aggregate and Soil Column Scales? Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
101 黄大全 Are there differences in the forces driving the conversion of different non-urban lands into urban use? A case study of Beijing Environmental Science and Pollution Research
102 黄大全 Do land ownership types matter in manufacturing firms' location choice? Using Beijing as a case study Growth and Change
103 黄甘霖 Effects of urban greenspace and socioeconomic factors on air conditioner use: A multilevel analysis in Beijing, China Building and Environment
104 黄甘霖 Urban residential quarter green space and life satisfaction Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
105 黄甘霖 Urban greenspace helps ameliorate people's negative sentiments during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Beijing Building and Environment
106 黄庆旭 The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds Landscape Ecology
107 黄庆旭 Updating global urbanization projections under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Scientific Data
108 黄庆旭 Developing a method for assessing environmental sustainability based on the Google Earth Engine platform Environmental Science and Pollution Research
109 黄永梅 Differential Investment Strategies in Leaf Economic Traits Across Climate Regions Worldwide Frontiers in Plant Science
110 贾  坤 Reconstructing Missing Information of Remote Sensing Data Contaminated by Large and Thick Clouds Based on an Improved Multitemporal Dictionary Learning Method IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
111 贾  坤 High-spatiotemporal resolution mapping of spatiotemporally continuous atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the global continent International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
112 贾  坤 Improving leaf area index estimation accuracy of wheat by involving leaf chlorophyll content information Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
113 贾  坤 A Hybrid Leaf Area Index Estimation Method of Dioscorea Polystachya Turczaninow Using Sentinel-2 Vegetation Indices IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
114 江  波 Estimation of the All-Wave All-Sky Land Surface Daily Net Radiation at Mid-Low Latitudes from MODIS Data Based on ERA5 Constraints Remote Sensing
115 江  波 A global long-term ocean surface daily/0.05° net radiation product from 1983–2020 Scientific Data
116 江  波 Evaluation of nine machine learning methods for estimating daily land surface radiation budget from MODIS satellite data International Journal of Digital Earth
117 江  源 Inconsistent relationships between tree ring width and normalized diference vegetation index in montane evergreen coniferous forests in arid regions Trees - Structure and Function 
118 江  源 Different drought responses of stem water relations and radial increments in Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri in a montane mixed forest Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
119 江  源 Seasonal and daily variations in stem water relations between co-occurring Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri at different elevations Forest Ecology and Management
120 江  源 Identifying the habitat quality of Scutellaria baicalensis based on baicalin content using the fuzzy matter element model Ecological Indicators
121 江  源 Radial Growth of Picea schrenkiana Influenced by Increasing Temperature in the Tianshan Mountains Tree-ring Research
122 江  源 Applying space-for-time substitution to infer the growth response to climate may lead to overestimation of tree maladaptation: Evidence from the North American White Spruce Network Global Change Biology
123 江  源 Soil moisture controls on the dynamics of nonstructural carbohydrate storage in Picea meyeri during the growing season Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
124 姜广辉 Multifunction change of rural housing land in metropolitan suburbs from the perspective of farmer households' land-use behavior Land Use Policy
125 姜广辉 A Spatial Patterns Identification Method of Rural Residential Land Change Integrating Dynamic and Multi-Scale Information FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
126 姜广辉 A Refined Rural Settlements Simulation Considering the Competition Relationship among the Internal Land Use Types: A Case Study of Pinggu District Land
127 姜广辉 Assessing the effects of land use pattern change applying a spatially oriented indicator system framework Habitat International
128 姜广辉 Spatio-temporal pattern and allocation efficiency of public service land in rural settlements Frontiers in Environmental Science
129 蒋华雄 Planning First, Tools Second: Evaluating the Evolving Roles of Planning Support Systems in Urban Planning Journal of Urban Technology
130 蒋华雄 The relationship between school districts and parental commuting "width:181px;" x:str="">Frontiers in Environmetal Science
131 蒋玲梅 The Potential of ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 Radar Data for Soil Moisture Retrieval With High Spatial Resolution Over Agroforestry Areas, China IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
132 蒋玲梅 Retrieval of Fractional Snow Cover over High Mountain Asia Using 1 km and 5 km AVHRR/2 with Simulated Mid-Infrared Reflective Band Remote Sensing
133 蒋玲梅 Comparison of Machine Learning-Based Snow Depth Estimates and Development of a New Operational Retrieval Algorithm over China Remote Sensing
134 蒋玲梅 Daily High-Resolution Land Surface Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Sentinel-1 and AMSR2 Data Remote Sensing
135 蒋玲梅 Land Surface Freeze/Thaw Detection Over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using FY-3/MWRI Data IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
136 蒋卫国 Long time series water extent analysis for SDG 6.6.1 based on the GEE platform: A case study of Dongting Lake IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
137 蒋卫国 Assessing Surface Water Losses and Gains under Rapid Urbanization for SDG 6.6.1 Using Long-Term Landsat Imagery in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China Remote Sensing
138 蒋卫国 Sensitivity of Green-Up Date to Meteorological Indicators in Hulun Buir Grasslands of China Remote Sensing
139 蒋卫国 Assessing and Characterizing Carbon Storage in Wetlands of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, China, During 1995-2020 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
140 蒋卫国 A framework for fine classification of urban wetlands based on random forest and knowledge rules: taking the wetland cities of Haikou and Yinchuan as examples GIScience & Remote Sensing
141 焦子锑 Evaluation of BRDF Information Retrieved from Time-Series Multiangle Data of the Himawari-8 AHI Remote Sensing
142 焦子锑 Review of Land Surface Albedo: Variance Characteristics, Climate Effect and Management Strategy Remote Sensing
143 焦子锑 Evaluation of the Consistency of the Vegetation Clumping Index Retrieved from Updated MODIS BRDF Data Remote Sensing
144 焦子锑 An Improved Method for Estimating Clumping Index by Digital Hemispheric Photography With Field Measurements IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
145 金建君 Gender differences in farmers’livelihood capital in Dazu District, China Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
146 金建君 Are farmers willing to substitute tobacco cultivation? Evidence from Lichuan City, China Nicotine & Tobacco Research
147 金建君 Regional Social Relationships Evaluation Using the AHP and Entropy Weight Method: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China Sustainability 
148 金建君 The deviation between the willingness and behavior of farmers to adopt electricity-saving tricycles and its influencing factors in Dazu District of China Energy Policy
149 亢力强 Experimental investigation on the erosion-deposition characteristics around isolated plants of different shapes in a wind tunnel Aeolian Research
150 李琳娜 Comparing the Determinants of Rural-Urban Migrant Settlement Intention across Different-Sized Cities: Evidence from China Journal of Urban Planning and Development 
151 李  强 Tidal phenomenon of the dockless bike-sharing system and its causes: the case of Beijing International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
152 李小雁 Significant winter CO2 uptake by saline lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Global Change Biology
153 李小雁 Radiation, soil water content, and temperature effects on carbon cycling in an alpine swamp meadow of the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau Biogeosciences
154 李小雁 Diurnal Evapotranspiration and Its Controlling Factors of Alpine Ecosystems during the Growing Season in Northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Water
155 李小雁 Nonlinear effects of thermokarst lakes on peripheral vegetation greenness across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using stable isotopes and satellite detection Remote Sensing of Environment
156 李小雁 A comprehensive review on coupled processes and mechanisms of soil-vegetation-hydrology, and recent research advances Scince China Earth Science
157 李小雁 Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Hillslope Subsurface Flow in an Alpine Critical Zone on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on Three-Year, High-Resolution Field Observations Water Resources Research
158 李晓兵 Enhanced Ecosystem Services in China’s Xilingol Steppe during 2000–2015: Towards Sustainable Agropastoralism Management Remote Sensing
159 李晓兵 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing in Grassland Ecosystem Monitoring: A Systematic Review Remote Sensing
160 李晓兵 Enhanced Ecosystem Services in China's Xilingol Steppe during 2000-2015: Towards Sustainable Agropastoralism Management Remote Sensing
161 李晓兵 Quantitative Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing Vegetation NDVI Changes in Temperate Drylands from a Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity Perspective: A Case Study of Inner Mongolia Grasslands, China Remote Sensing
162 李晓兵 Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation of Landscape Patterns and Their Driving Factors in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2015 Land
163 李晓兵 A Perspective on the Impact of Grassland Degradation on Ecosystem Services for the Purpose of Sustainable Management Remote Sensing
164 李晓兵 Linking regional sustainable development goals with ecosystem services to identify ecological security patterns Land Degradation & Development
165 李晓兵 Optimizing the Land Use and Land Cover Pattern to Increase Its Contribution to Carbon Neutrality Remote Sensing
166 李  琰 Divergent responses of maize yield to precipitation in the United States Environmental Research Letters
167 李  琰 Contrasting impacts of forests on cloud cover based on satellite observations Nature Communications
168 李  琰 Impacts of 319 wind farms on surface temperature and vegetation in the United States Environmental Research Letters
169 李  琰 Partitioning of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes in Different Vegetation Types and Their Spatiotemporal Variations Based on 203 FLUXNET Sites Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
170 李长嘉 An improved method of using two-dimensional model to evaluate the carrying capacity of regional water resource in Inner Mongolia of China Journal of Environmental Management
171 梁顺林 Improved estimation of the global top-of-atmosphere albedo from AVHRR data Remote Sensing of Environment
172 刘宝元 Effects of rock fragment coverage on soil erosion: Differ among rock fragment sizes? Catena
173 刘连友 Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Near-Surface Wind Regime and Their Influencing Factors in the Badain Jaran Desert, China Atmosphere
174 刘绍民 Assessment and improvement of Noah-MP for simulating water and heat exchange over alpine grassland in growing season Science China -Earth Sciences
175 刘绍民 Improving predictions of evapotranspiration by integrating multi-source observations and land surface model Agricultural Water Management
176 刘绍民 Integrated Validation of Coarse Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Products over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces Remote Sensing
177 刘素红 Estimating Maize Yield in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China Using Land Surface Data Assimilation: Integrating a Crop Model and Remote Sensing Frontiers in Plant Science
178 刘彦随 Theoretical and practical research into excavation slope protection for agricultural geographical engineering in the Loess Plateau: A case study of China's Yangjuangou catchment Journal of Rural Studies
179 刘彦随 What constrains impoverished rural regions: A case study of Henan Province in central China Habitat international
180 刘彦随 Effects of climate change on paddy expansion and potential adaption strategies for sustainable agriculture development across Northeast China Applied Geography
181 刘彦随 Study on spatial tropism distribution of rural settlements in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region based on natural factors and traffic accessibility Journal of Rural Studies
182 刘焱序 Regional differentiation in the ecological effects of land cover change in China Land Degradation & Development
183 刘焱序 Evaluation of ecosystem resilience to drought based on drought intensity and recovery time Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
184 刘焱序 A warmer winter followed by a colder summer contributed to a longer recovery time in the high latitudes of Northeast China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
185 刘焱序 The community perception of human-water connections is indirectly influenced by the landscape context: A case study in the lower reaches of the Yellow river Journal of Environmental Management
186 刘颖慧 Do long-term N additions affect the soil organic carbon pool in temperate grasslands? Science of the Total Environment
187 刘颖慧 How climate and soil properties affect the abundances of nitrogen-cycling genes in nitrogen-treated ecosystems: a meta-analysis Plant and Soil
188 刘颖慧 Grazing intensity has more effect on the potential nitrification activity than the potential denitrification activity in an alpine meadow Agriculture
189 刘志锋 Delimiting China’s Urban Growth Boundaries under Localized Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and Various Urban Expansion Modes Earth's Future
190 刘志锋 The supply and demand of water purification service in an urbanizing basin on the Tibetan Plateau Landscape Ecology
191 刘志锋 How do different types and landscape attributes of urban parks affect visitors? positive emotions? Landscape and Urban Planning
192 刘志锋 Modeling urban expansion by integrating a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
193 刘志锋 Spatiotemporal patterns of light pollution on the Tibetan Plateau over three decades at multiple scales: implications for conservation of natural habitats Remote Sensing
194 刘志锋 Landscape-based solutions are needed for meeting water challenges of China's expanding and thirsty cities Landscape Ecology
195 刘志刚 Using High-Frequency PAR Measurements to Assess the Quality of the SIF Derived from Continuous Field Observations Remote Sensing
196 刘志刚 Using the diurnal variation characteristics of effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry for drought stress detection in maize Ecological Indicators
197 鲁瑞洁 Warming hiatus of extreme temperature across China’s cold regions during 1998–2018 Frontiers of Earth Science
198 缪驰远 Effects of Vegetation Changes and Multiple Environmental Factors on Evapotranspiration Across China Over the Past 34 Years Earth's Future
199 缪驰远 High-quality reconstruction of China’s natural streamflow Science Bulletin
200 缪驰远 Seasonality and impact factor analysis of streamflow sensitivity to climate change across China Earth's Future
201 缪驰远 Quantifying the uncertainty sources of future climate projections and narrowing uncertainties with bias correction techniques Earth's Future
202 缪驰远 Spatiotemporal characteristics of meteorological to hydrological drought propagation under natural conditions in China Weather and Climate Extremes
203 穆望舒 Computation of the distance between a polygon and a point in spatial analysis International Journal of Geographical Information Science
204 穆望舒 A general model for creating robust choropleth maps Computers Environment and Urban Systems
205 穆西晗 Global quasi-daily fractional vegetation cover estimated from the DSCOVR EPIC directional hotspot dataset Remote Sensing of Environment
206 穆西晗 Correcting for the clumping effect in leaf area index calculations using one-dimensional fractal dimension Remote Sensing of Environment
207 潘耀忠 A generalized model to predict large-scale crop yields integrating satellite-based vegetation index time series and phenology metrics Ecological Indicators
208 潘耀忠 Prediction of Corn Yield in the USA Corn Belt Using Satellite Data and Machine Learning: From an Evapotranspiration Perspective Agriculture-Basel
209 潘耀忠 Air Quality Improvement in China: Evidence from PM2.5 Concentrations in Five Urban Agglomerations, 2000–2021 Atmosphere
210 屈永华 A low-cost integrated sensor for measuring tree diameter at breast height (DBH) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
211 沈妙根 Greater temperature sensitivity of vegetation greenup onset date in areas with weaker temperature seasonality across the Northern Hemisphere Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
212 沈妙根 Plant phenology changes and drivers on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
213 沈  石 Postearthquake situational awareness based on mobile phone signaling data: An example from the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
214 沈  石 A hybrid spatiotemporal convolution-based cellular automata model (ST-CA) for land-use/cover change simulation International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
215 沈  石 Evaluation and analysis of the projected population of China Scientific Reports
216 史培军 Substantial increase of compound droughts and heatwaves in wheat growing seasons worldwide International Journal Of Climatology
217 史培军 Spatiotemporal variation in global floods with different affected areas and the contribution of influencing factors to flood-induced mortality (1985-2019) Natural Hazards 
218 史培军 A warming climate may reduce health risks of hypoxia on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Science Bulletin
219 史培军 Accelerated exacerbation of global extreme heatwaves under warming scenarios International Journal Of Climatology
220 史培军 Web-Based Data to Quantify Meteorological and Geographical Effects on Heat Stroke: Case Study in China GeoHealth
221 史培军 Increased probability and severity of compound dry and hot growing seasons over world's major croplands Science of the Total Environment
222 宋金平 Spatial Network Structure of China's Provincial-Scale Tourism Eco-Efficiency: A Social Network Analysis Energies 
223 宋金平 Spatio-temporal dynamic evolution of carbon emission intensity and the effectiveness of carbon emission reduction at county level based on nighttime light data Journal of Cleaner Production
224 宋金平 Land Use Efficiency in the Yellow River Basin in the Background of China’s Economic Transformation:Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors Land
225 宋长青 The spatiotemporal variation in heavy metals in China's farmland soil over the past 20 years: A meta-analysis Science of the Total Environment
226 苏  筠 Global carbon emission spatial pattern in 2030 under INDCs: using a gridding approach based on population and urbanization International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
227 苏  筠 How did the late 1920s drought affect northern Chinese society? Weather and Climate Extremes
228 苏  筠 Comparative Analysis of Extreme Drought Events and Social Impacts in Henan Province during the Middle Ming Dynasty Weather Climate and Society
229 孙  睿 Estimation and Spatiotemporal Variation Analysis of Net Primary Productivity in the Upper Luanhe River Basin in China From 2001 to 2017 Combining With a Downscaling Method IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
230 孙  睿 Estimation of global GPP from GOME-2 and OCO-2 SIF by considering the dynamic variations of GPP-SIF relationship Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
231 唐海萍 Environmental Factors Affecting Near-Surface Oxygen Content Vary in Typical Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Frontiers in Environmental Science
232 唐海萍 Enhancing Ecosystem Services in the Agro-Pastoral Transitional Zone Based on Local Sustainable Management: Insights from Duolun County in Northern China Land
233 唐海萍 Exploring subjective well-being and ecosystem services perception in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China Journal of Environmental Management
234 唐  宏 OEC-RNN: Object-Oriented Delineation of Rooftops With Edges and Corners Using the Recurrent Neural Network From the Aerial Images IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
235 唐  宏 Geographical and temporal encoding for improving the estimation of PM2.5 concentrations in China using end-to-end gradient boosting Remote Sensing of Environment
236 唐  宏 Building Outline Delineation From VHR Remote Sensing Images Using the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Embedded With Line Segment Information IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
237 唐  宏 The hot zones of global Mw ≥ 5 earthquakes and their decadal migration during 1989–2019 Arabian Journal of Geosciences
238 唐  宏 Gross Floor Area Estimation from Monocular Optical Image Using the NoS R-CNN Remote Sensing
239 唐  宏 Rapid Assessment of Building Damage Using Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of April 2015 Nepal Earthquake Remote Sensing
240 唐  宏 aSGD: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adaptive Batch Size for Every Parameter Mathematics
241 唐  宏 A Prediction Method of Ground Motion for Regions without Available Observation Data (LGB-FS) and Its Application to both Yangbi and Maduo Earthquakes in 2021 Journal of Earth Science
242 陶  遂 The role of transit accessibility in influencing the activity space and non-work activity participation of different income groups Journal of Transport and Land Use
243 陶卓霖 Facility or Transport Inequality? Decomposing Healthcare Accessibility Inequality in Shenzhen, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
244 陶卓霖 Planning hierarchical hospital service areas for maternal care using a network optimization approach: A case study in Hubei, China Journal of Geographical Sciences
245 田玉强 High frequency of extreme precipitation increases Stipa grandis biomass by altering plant and microbial nitrogen acquisition Biology and Fertility of Soils
246 田玉强 Moderate grazing increases newly assimilated carbon allocation belowground Rhizosphere
247 田玉强 Nitrogen fixation and transfer between legumes and cereals under various cropping regimes Rhizosphere
248 田育红 Residents’Living Environments, Self-Rated Health Status and Perceptions of Urban Green Space Benefits Forests
249 田育红 Effects of Self-Rated Health Status on Residents' Social-Benefit Perceptions of Urban Green Space International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
250 田育红 Effects of Public Transport Accessibility and Property Attributes on Housing Prices in Polycentric Beijing Sustainability 
251 王国强 Deep Learning-Based Water Quality Retrieval in an Impounded Lake Using Landsat 8 Imagery: An Application in Dongping Lake Remote Sensing
252 王国强 Spatiotemporal Variation of Evapotranspiration on Different Land Use/Cover in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River Basin Remote Sensing
253 王  佩 Coupling the water use of Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima and evapotranspiration partitioning in a desert riparian forest ecosystem Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
254 王  佩 Water Budget, Biological Water Use, and the Soil Hydrological Cycle across Typical Ecosystems of the Heihe River Basin Water
255 王  帅 Threshold of vapour-pressure deficit constraint on light use efficiency varied with soil water content Ecohydrology
256 王  帅 Enhanced coupling of light use efficiency and water use efficiency in arid and semi-arid environments Ecohydrology
257 王  帅 Ecological restoration intensifies evapotranspiration in the Kubuqi Desert Ecological Engineering
258 王  帅 The increasing contribution of potential evapotranspiration to severe droughts in the Yellow River basin Journal of Hydrology
259 王  帅 Elevation dependence of climate effects on ecosystem multifunctionality states over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Global Ecology and Conservation
260 王  帅 Decreased virtual water outflows from the Yellow River basin are increasingly critical to China Hydrology And Earth System Sciences
261 王  帅 The trend shift caused by ecological restoration accelerates the vegetation greening of China's drylands since the 1980s Environmental Research Letters
262 王  帅 Trends and attribution analysis of modelled evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau Hydrological Processes
263 王  帅 The vulnerability of ecosystem structure in the semi-arid area revealed by the functional trait networks Ecological Indicators
264 王  帅 Spatio-temporal patterns of oasis dynamics in China’s drylands between 1987 and 2017 Environmental Research Letters
265 王雪超 Integration and optimisation for sustainable industrial processing within the circular economy Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
266 王雪超 Imbalances in virtual energy transfer network of China and carbon emissions neutrality implications Energy
267 王雪松 Separating emitted dust from the total suspension in airflow based on the characteristics of PM10 vertical concentration profiles on a Gobi surface in northwestern China Journal of Arid Land
268 王  瑛 Using statistical functions and hydro-hydraulic models to develop human vulnerability curves for flash floods: The flash flood of the Taitou catchment (China) in 2016 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
269 王  瑛 Effectiveness assessment of reservoir projects for flash flood control, water supply and irrigation in Wangmo Basin, China Science of the Total Environment
270 王  瑛 Assessing Impact of Temperature Variability of Climate Change on Mortality Based on Multiple GCM Projections in China Atmosphere
271 王志强 Soil organic carbon stocks and dynamics in a mollisol region: A 1980s-2010s study Science of the Total Environment
272 韦志刚 Variations in the precipitation extremes over the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area in China Theoretical and Applied Climatology
273 韦志刚 Probable causes of the abnormal variations in summer precipitation extremes in the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area in China Theoretical and Applied Climatology
274 韦志刚 Variation characteristics of soil temperature, moisture, and heat flux in the understorey of evergreen broadleaf forest in South China Theoretical and Applied Climatology
275 韦志刚 Spatial and temporal characteristics of various cold surges over China during 1962–2018 International Journal Of Climatology
276 邬建国 Scenario analysis in urban ecosystem services research: Progress, prospects, and implications for urban planning and management Landscape and Urban Planning
277 邬建国 How does the local-scale relationship between ecosystem services and human wellbeing vary across broad regions? Science of the Total Environment
278 邬建国 Causes of overgrazing in Inner Mongolian grasslands: Searching for deepleverage points of intervention  Ecology and Society
279 邬建国 A legendary landscape in peril: Land use and land cover change and environmental impacts in the Wulagai River Basin, Inner Mongolia Journal of Environmental Management
280 吴殿廷 Effects of tourism development on economic growth: An empirical study of China based on both static and dynamic spatial Durbin models Tourism Economics
281 吴秀臣 Timing and Order of Extreme Drought and Wetness Determine Bioclimatic Sensitivity of Tree Growth Earth's Future
282 吴秀臣 Divergent roles of deep soil water uptake in seasonal tree growth under natural drought events in North China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
283 吴秀臣 Legacy effect of extreme wetness events on subsequent tree growth evidenced by water use source shifts in a semi-arid region of North China Trees-Structure and Function
284 伍永秋 Quantitative Reconstruction of Precipitation and Lake Areas During Early to Middle Holocene in Mu Us Desert, North China Frontiers in Earth Science
285 伍永秋 Provenance and formation mechanism of aeolian sands on the eastern bank of Co Nag Lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Catena
286 伍永秋 The southern boundary of the Mu Us Sand Sea and its controlling factors Geomorphology 
287 武建军 Assessing the Potential of Downscaled Far Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the Canopy to Leaf Level for Drought Monitoring in Winter Wheat Remote Sensing
288 武建军 Exploring the Potential of Spatially Downscaled Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Monitor Drought Effects on Gross Primary Production in Winter Wheat IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
289 武建军 Global exacerbation of episodic local vegetation greenness decline since the 21st century Science of the Total Environment
290 武建军 Estimation of the net primary productivity of winter wheat based on the near-infrared radiance of vegetation Science of the Total Environment
291 武建军 Exploring the Ability of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Drought Monitoring Based on an Intelligent Irrigation Control System Remote Sensing
292 武建军 Sustained vegetation greening enhanced ecosystem water-use efficiency in the Loess Plateau of China in recent 20 years Ecological Engineering 
293 肖志强 An Optical-Thermal Surface-Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model Coupling Framework With Topographic Effects IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
294 肖志强 SIFT: Modeling Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Over Sloping Terrain IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
295 肖志强 Exploring Topographic Effects on Surface Parameters Over Rugged Terrains at Various Spatial Scales IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
296 肖志强 A 250 m resolution global leaf area index product derived from MODIS surface reflectance data International Journal of Remote Sensing
297 肖志强 Evaluation of Global Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) Products at 500 m Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
298 肖志强 Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Surface Reflectance Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Remote Sensing
299 肖志强 A Canopy Radiative Transfer Model Considering Leaf Dorsoventrality IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
300 效存德 Mismatch between the population and meltwater changes creates opportunities and risks for global glacier-fed basins Science Bulletin
301 效存德 Estimated changes in different forms of precipitation (snow, sleet, and rain) across China: 1961-2016 Atmospheric Research
302 效存德 In-situ measurement on air-water flux of CH4, CO2 and their carbon stable isotope in lakes of northeast Tibetan Plateau Advances in Climate Change Research
303 效存德 Importance and vulnerability of water towers across Northwest China Advances in Climate Change Research
304 效存德 Sedimentary organic carbon storage of thermokarst lakes and ponds across Tibetan permafrost region Science of the Total Environment
305 效存德 Glacier change in China over past decades: Spatiotemporal patterns and influencing factors Earth-Science Reviews
306 谢先红 Accelerated hydrological cycle on the Tibetan Plateau evidenced by ensemble modeling of Long-term water budgets Journal of Hydrology
307 谢先红 Vegetation greening intensified transpiration but constrained soil evaporation on the Loess Plateau Journal of Hydrology
308 谢  云 Effects of rainfall characteristics and contour tillage on ephemeral gully development in a field in Northeastern China Soil and Tillage Research
309 谢  云 Effect of topographic variations and tillage methods on gully erosion in the black soil region: A case-study from Northeast China Land Degradation & Development
310 徐同仁 Can Data Assimilation Improve Short-Term Prediction of Land Surface Variables? Remote Sensing
311 徐  伟 Increasingly dry/wet abrupt alternation events in a warmer world: Observed evidence from China during 1980-2019 International Journal Of Climatology
312 徐  伟 Changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of dry/wet abrupt alternation frequency, duration, and severity in Mainland China, 1980-2019 Science of the Total Environment
313 徐  伟 Analysis of affected population vulnerability to rainstorms and its induced floods at county level: A case study of Zhejiang Province, China International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
314 徐  霞 Widespread decline in winds promoted the growth of vegetation Science of the Total Environment
315 徐  霞 The Relative Roles of Climate Variation and Human Activities in Vegetation Dynamics in Coastal China from 2000 to 2019 Remote Sensing
316 徐  霞 Impact of extreme climates on vegetation from multiple scales and perspectives in the Agro-pastural Transitional Zone of Northern China in the past three decades Journal of Cleaner Production
317 薛宝林 Spatiotemporal variations in evapotranspiration and its influencing factors in the semiarid Hailar river basin, Northern China Environmental Research
318 薛宝林 Contribution of nonpoint source pollution from baseflow of a typical agriculture-intensive basin in northern China Environmental Research
319 薛宝林 Changes in vegetation cover and its influencing factors in the inner Mongolia reach of the yellow river basin from 2001 to 2018 Environmental Research
320 薛宝林 Evaluating the risks of spatial and temporal changes in nonpoint source pollution in a Chinese river basin Science of the Total Environment
321 薛宝林 Divergent Hydrological Responses to Forest Expansion in Dry and Wet Basins of China: Implications for Future Afforestation Planning Water Resources Research
322 延晓冬 High-Resolution Regional Climate Modeling and Projection of Heatwave Events over the Yangtze River Basin Sustainability 
323 延晓冬 The Three Rivers Source Region Alpine Grassland Ecosystem Was a Weak Carbon Sink Based on BEPS Model Analysis Remote Sensing
324 延晓冬 Projected changes and uncertainty in cold surges over northern China using the CMIP6 weighted multi-model ensemble Atmospheric Research
325 延晓冬 Evaluation of events of extreme temperature change between neighboring days in CMIP6 models over China Theoretical and Applied Climatology
326 延晓冬 Evaluation and Projection of Diurnal Temperature Range in Maize Cultivation Areas in China Based on CMIP6 Models Sustainability 
327 延晓冬 Effects of Future Climate Change on Citrus Quality and Yield in China Sustainability 
328 严  平 Research on wind erosion processes and controlling factors based on wind tunnel test and 3D laser scanning technology Journal of Arid Land
329 严  平 The effect of gradient and shape on the formation process of climbing dunes in a wind-tunnel experiment Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
330 阎广建 Clumping Effects in Leaf Area Index Retrieval From Large-Footprint Full-Waveform LiDAR IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
331 阎广建 Human Activity Changes During COVID-19 Lockdown in China-A View From Nighttime Light GeoHealth
332 杨  静 Intraseasonal Melting of Northern Barents Sea Ice Forced by Circumpolar Clockwise-Propagating Atmospheric Waves during Early Summe Journal of Climate
333 杨  静 Subseasonal Warming of Surface Soil Enhances Precipitation Over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau in Early Summer Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
334 杨晓帆 Water clarity mapping of global lakes using a novel hybrid deep-learning-based recurrent model with Landsat OLI images Water Research 
335 杨晓帆 Numerical modeling and simulation of thermo-hydrologic processes in frozen soils on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Journal of Hydrology-regional Studies
336 杨晓帆 Numerical simulation of water and heat transport in the cathode channel of a PEM fuel cell International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
337 杨晓帆 Effects of physicochemical properties and structural heterogeneity on mineral precipitation and dissolution in saturated porous media Applied Geochemistry
338 杨晓帆 A coupled CFD model for an accurate and fast prediction of the unsteady operation process of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell Energy Conversion and Management
339 杨  扬 Mechanical sowing alters slope-scale spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the black soil region of Northeast China Catena
340 杨  扬 Quantifying spatial distribution of interrill and rill erosion in a loess at different slopes using structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry International Soil and Water Conservation Research
341 杨  扬 Factors controlling saturated hydraulic conductivity along a typical black soil slope Soil & Tillage Research
342 姚云军 The Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) evapotranspiration product Version 5.0: Algorithm development and preliminary validation Journal of Hydrology
343 姚云军 A novel TIR-derived three-source energy balance model for estimating daily latent heat flux in mainland China using an all-weather land surface temperature product Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
344 姚云军 Advances in land–ocean heat fluxes using remote sensing Remote Sensing
345 叶爱中 Spatiotemporal variations in water conservation function of the Tibetan Plateau under climate change based on InVEST model Journal of Hydrology-regional Studies
346 叶爱中 QRF4P-NRT: Probabilistic Post-Processing of Near-Real-Time Satellite Precipitation Estimates Using Quantile Regression Forests Water Resources Research
347 叶爱中 Improving global gross primary productivity estimation by fusing multi-source data products Heliyon
348 叶爱中 Uncertainty analysis of multiple terrestrial gross primary productivity products Global Ecology and Biogeography
349 叶爱中 Changes of total and artificial Water bodies in mainland China over the past three decades Journal of Hydrology
350 叶爱中 The peer-to-peer type propagation from meteorological drought to soil moisture drought occurs in areas with strong land-atmosphere interaction Water Resources Research
351 叶思菁 Spatiotemporal Statistical Imbalance: A Long-Term Neglected Defect in UN Comtrade Dataset Sustainability 
352 叶思菁 Optimization of Numerical Methods for Transforming UTM Plane Coordinates to Lambert Plane Coordinates Remote Sensing
353 叶思菁 Spatial patterns of county-level arable land productive-capacity and its coordination with land-use intensity in mainland China Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
354 叶思菁 Visualizing clustering characteristics of multidimensional arable land quality indexes at the county level in mainland China Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
355 叶思菁 Preface: Arable Land Quality: Observation, Estimation, Optimization, and Application Land
356 叶  涛 Improving Spatial Disaggregation of Crop Yield by Incorporating Machine Learning with Multisource Data: A Case Study of Chinese Maize Yield Remote Sensing
357 叶  涛 Observed and CMIP6 simulated occurrence and intensity of compound agroclimatic extremes over maize harvested areas in China Weather and Climate Extremes
358 叶  涛 Heterogeneous impacts of excessive wetness on maize yields in China: Evidence from statistical yields and process-based crop models Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
359 叶  涛 Reducing livestock snow disaster risk in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau due to warming and socioeconomic development Science of the Total Environment
360 殷水清 Rainfall erosivity mapping over mainland China based on high-density hourly rainfall records Earth System Science Data
361 殷水清 Increasing trends in rainfall erosivity in the Yellow River basin from 1971 to 2020 Journal of Hydrology
362 于德永 Evaluation and optimization of ecosystem services under different land use scenarios in a semiarid landscape mosaic Ecological Indicators
363 于德永 Identifying priority conservation areas based on comprehensive consideration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Three-River Headwaters Region, China Journal of Cleaner Production
364 于德永 Influential paths of ecosystemservices on human well-being in the context of the sustainable development goals Science of the Total Environment
365 岳耀杰 The spatial-temporal coupling pattern of grain yield and fertilization in the North China plain Agricultural Systems
366 岳耀杰 Assessment of drought risk for winter wheat on the Huanghuaihai Plain under climate change using an EPIC model-based approach International Journal of Digital Earth
367 岳耀杰 Quickly Assess the Direct Loss of Houses Caused by a Typhoon-Rainstorm-Storm Surge–Flood Chain: Case of Haikou City Water
368 张春来 The varying fetch effect of aeolian sand transport above a gobi surface and its implication for gobi development process International Soil and Water Conservation Research 
369 张春来 Grain-size composition of the surface sediments in Chinese deserts and the associated dust emission Catena
370 张春来 A comparison of the aerodynamic characteristics of four kinds of land surface in wind erosion areas of northern China Catena
371 张春来 Field investigation of the fetch effect and essential conditions for saturated sand flow Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
372 张钢锋 Rapid urbanization induced daily maximum wind speed decline in metropolitan areas: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta (China) Urban Climate
373 张光辉 Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of typical revegetated plants on steep gully slopes of Chinese Loess Plateau Geoderma
374 张光辉 Sediment connectivity of small watershed affected by gully development and vegetation restoration on the loess plateau Geoderma
375 张光辉 Soil C, N and P contents and their stoichiometry as affected by typical plant communities on steep gully slopes of the Loess Plateau, China Catena
376 张光辉 Impact of slope position on soil erodibility indicators in rolling hill regions of northeast China Catena
377 张光辉 Spatial variation in sediment connectivity of small watershed along a regional transect on the Loess Plateau Catena
378 张光辉 Assessment of the gully erosion susceptibility using three hybrid models in one small watershed on the Loess Plateau Soil and Tillage Research
379 张光辉 Gully Morphological Characteristics and Topographic Threshold Determined by UAV in a Small Watershed on the Loess Plateau Remote Sensing
380 张  华 Spatial Expansion of Built-Up Areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Based on Nighttime Light Data: 1992-2020 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
381 张  华 Urbanization of county in China: Spatial patterns and influencing factors Journal of Geographical Sciences
382 张金亮 Permian and Triassic hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the Cainan area, Junggar Basin, China Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
383 张金亮 Paleosalinity Reconstruction for the Paleocene Sequence of Lishui Sag in the East China Sea Shelf Basin Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
384 张金亮 Predicting Thin Sand Beds and Subtle Lithologic Traps in the Shahejie Formation of the Chezhen Sag by Joint Investigation of Seismic Facies Using 3D Seismic Data Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
385 张金亮 Reconstruction of Planforms and Architecture of the Meandering Paleo-Channels-A Case Study of the 1st Member of Shanxi Formation, Central of Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin Water
386 张科利 Tracer vertical movement and its affecting factors in karst soil profiles in simulated leaching context Journal of soils and sediments
387 张科利 Interaction effects of rainfall and soil factors on runoff, erosion, and their predictions in different geographic regions Journal of Hydrology
388 张科利 Millennial scale erosion and sedimentation investigation in karst watersheds using dating and palynology Catena
389 张立强 Multispectral Scene Classification via Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
390 张立强 Geographic and gender disparities in global education achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation
391 张  强 Droughts across China: Drought factors, prediction and impacts Science of the Total Environment
392 张  强 Machine Learning-Based Evaluation of Susceptibility to Geological Hazards in the Hengduan Mountains Region, China International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
393 张  强 Dynamic vulnerability of ecological systems to climate changes across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China Ecological Indicators
394 张  强 Fractional contribution of global warming and regional urbanization to intensifying regional heatwaves across Eurasia Climate Dynamics
395 张  强 Identification of Degradation Areas of Ecological Environment and Degradation Intensity Assessment in the Yellow River Basin Frontiers in Earth Science
396 张  强 Global soil moisture drought identification and responses to natural and anthropogenic forcings Journal of Hydrology
397 张  强 Amplifying Meteorological Droughts Across Middle- and Low-Latitude Northern Hemisphere Frontiers in Earth Science
398 张  强 Amplifying Flood Risk Across the Lower Yellow River Basin, China, Under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Frontiers in Earth Science
399 张  强 Drying in the low-latitude Atlantic Ocean contributed to terrestrial water storage depletion across Eurasia Nature Communications
400 张淑荣 Water Quality and Microbial Community in the Context of Ecological Restoration: A Case Study of the Yongding River,Beijing, China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
401 张  通 Dynamic Evolution Modeling of a Lake-Terminating Glacier in the Western Himalayas Using a Two-Dimensional Higher-Order Flowline Model Remote Sensing
402 张文生 Identification of circRNA/miRNA/mRNA regulatory net-work involving (+)-catechin ameliorates diabetic nephropathy mice Food Science and Human Wellness
403 张文生 Multifaceted Protective Effects of Hesperidin by Aromatic Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endothelial Cell Injury Induced by Benzo[a]Pyrene Nutrients
404 张文生 Acrylamide causes neurotoxicity by inhibiting glycolysis and causing the accumulation of carbonyl compounds in BV2 microglial cells Food and Chemical Toxicology
405 张晓通 Assessment of surface downward longwave radiation in CMIP6 with comparison to observations and CMIP5  Atmospheric Research
406 张晓通 Quantification of the urbanization impacts on solar dimming and brightening over China Environmental Research Letters
407 张正涛 Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Quantitative Risk of Flood due to Climate Change in a China's Plateau Province Frontiers in Earth Science
408 张卓栋 Predicting and mapping soil magnetic susceptibility in an agro-pastoral transitional zone: Influencing factors and implications Soil & Tillage Research
409 赵晗萍 An improved conflicting-evidence combination method based on the redistribution of the basic probability assignment Applied Intelligence
410 赵文武 Reducing plant community variability and improving resilience for sustainable restoration of temperate grassland Environmental Research
411 赵文武 Temporal changes on soil conservation services in large basins across the world Catena
412 赵文武 Global COVID-19 pandemic trends and their relationship with meteorological variables, air pollutants and socioeconomic aspects Environmental Research
413 赵文武 Meteorological factors’effects on COVID-19 show seasonality and spatiality in Brazil Environmental Research
414 赵文武 Soil conservation service underpins sustainable development goals Global Ecology and Conservation
415 赵文武 Recover the food-energy-water nexus from COVID-19 under Sustainable Development Goals acceleration actions Science of the Total Environment
416 赵文武 Continuous growth of human footprint risks compromising the benefits of protected areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Global Ecology and Conservation
417 赵文武 Contributions of ecological programs to sustainable development goals in Linzhi, over the Tibetan Plateau: A mental map perspective Ecological Engineering
418 赵文武 Effectiveness of protected areas edges on vegetation greenness, cover and productivity on the Tibetan Plateau, China Landscape and Urban Planning
419 赵文武 Mapping and assessment of recreation services in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Science of the Total Environment
420 赵文武 Plant Community Traits Respond to Grazing Exclusion Duration in Alpine Meadow and Alpine Steppe on the Tibetan Plateau Frontiers in Plant Science
421 赵文武 Opinionated Views on Grassland Restoration Programs on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Frontiers in Plant Science
422 赵文武 Key Areas of Ecological Restoration in Inner Mongolia Based on Ecosystem Vulnerability and Ecosystem Service Remote Sensing
423 赵文武 Strengthening protected areas for climate refugia on the Tibetan Plateau, China Biological Conservation
424 赵文武 Land degradation neutrality: A review of progress and perspectives Ecological Indicators
425 赵文武 Afforestation changes the trade-off between soil moisture and plant species diversity in different vegetation zones on the Loess Plateau Catena
426 赵文武 Recover the Food-Energy-Water nexus from COVID-19 under SDG acceleration actions Science of the Total Environment
427 赵文武 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the post-pandemic era Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
428 赵文武 Ecosystems impact on aeolian dust emissions in Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2018 Geoderma
429 赵文智 Using Adversarial Network for Multiple Change Detection in Bitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
430 赵文智 Contextual-aware Land Cover Classification with U-shaped Object Graph Neural Network(U-OGNN) IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
431 赵文智 Continual Contrastive Learning for Cross-Dataset Scene Classification Remote Sensing
432 赵文智 Multi-branch self-learning Vision Transformer (MSViT) for crop type mapping with Optical-SAR time-series Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
433 赵文智 Life-Long Learning With Continual Spectral-Spatial Feature Distillation for Hyperspectral Image Classification IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
434 赵文智 Spatial-aware SAR-optical time-series deep integration for crop phenology tracking Remote Sensing of Environment
435 赵  祥 Grassland Conservation Effectiveness of National Nature Reserves in Northern China Remote Sensing
436 赵  祥 Quantitatively Assessing the Impact of Driving Factors on Vegetation Cover Change in China's 32 Major Cities Remote Sensing
437 赵  祥 Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Resilience and Resistance of Global Vegetation Responses to Climate Change Remote Sensing
438 赵  祥 Changes in Vegetation Greenness and Their Influencing Factors in Southern China Remote Sensing
439 赵  祥 Heterogeneous warming impacts of desert wind farms on land surface temperature and their potential drivers in Northern China Environmental Research Communications
440 郑龙飞 High-speed rail, market access, and the rise of consumer cities: Evidence from China Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
441 周红敏 Land Surface Albedo Estimation With Chinese GF-1 WFV Data in Northwest China IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
442 周红敏 Land Surface Albedo Estimation and Cross Validation Based on GF-1 WFV Data Atmosphere
443 周  沙 Large Divergence in Tropical Hydrological Projections Caused by Model Spread in Vegetation Responses to Elevated CO2 Earth's Future
444 周  沙 Diminishing seasonality of subtropical water availability in a warmer world dominated by soil moisture–atmosphere feedbacks Nature Communications
445 周尚意 Geographic Approach: Identifying Relatively Stable Tibetan Dialect and Subdialect Area Boundaries ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
446 周尚意 Trialectics of Spatiality: The Negotiation Process between Winter Swimmers and the Municipal Government of Beijing Sustainability 
447 周  涛 Interannual variation of gross primary production detected from optimal convolutional neural network at multi-timescale water stress Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
448 周  涛 The forest recovery path after drought dependence on forest type and stock volume Environmental Research Letters
449 周  涛 Global Pattern of Ecosystem Respiration Tendencies and Its Implications on Terrestrial Carbon Sink Potential Earth's Future
450 周  涛 Uncertainties of soil organic carbon stock estimation caused by paleoclimate and human footprint on the Qinghai Plateau Carbon Balance and Management
451 朱华晟 Has the Digital Economy Changed the Urban Network Structure in China?—Based on the Analysis of China’s Top 500 New Economy Enterprises in 2020 Sustainability 
452 朱华晟 Does Industrial Transfer Change the Spatial Structure of CO2 Emissions?—Evidence from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
453 朱华晟 Spatio-Temporal Differences in Economic Security of the Prefecture-Level Cities in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region of China: Based on a Triple-Dimension Analytical Framework of Economic Geography International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
454 朱文泉 Phenological piecewise modelling is more conducive than whole-season modelling to winter wheat yield estimation based on remote sensing data European Journal of Remote Sensing
455 朱文泉 Reconstruction of Vegetation Index Time Series Based on Self-Weighting Function Fitting from Curve Features Remote Sensing
456 朱文泉 A background-free phenology index for improved monitoring of vegetation phenology Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
457 朱文泉 A prediction model for the outbreak date of spring pollen allergy in Beijing based on satellite-derived phenological characteristics of vegetation greenness Remote Sensing
458 朱秀芳 The impact of high temperature and drought stress on the yield of major staple crops in northern China Journal of Environmental Management
459 朱秀芳 Analysis of Change in Maize Plantation Distribution and Its Driving Factors in Heilongjiang Province, China Remote Sensing
460 朱秀芳 Suitability evaluation of potential arable land in the Mediterranean region Journal of Environmental Management
461 邹学勇 A modified aeolian flux model applicable for various soil particle characteristics Catena
462 邹学勇 Soil wind erosion rate on rough surfaces: A dynamical model derived from an invariant pattern of the shear-stress probability density function of the soil surface Catena